Based on ‘The Work’ by well published author Byron Katie, this adapted 6 step process is a useful tool for safe self enquiry, self challenge and as a vessel to bring new thinking and realisation from otherwise restrictive and self limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Step 1: Identify a difficult, negative, or self limiting thought that you would like to change

This can be something that’s painful, difficult, a belief that brings you upset or anger or just makes you feel uncomfortable or is heavy and you're finally ready to stop carrying it. Who or what upsets you? Formulate this into a simple sentence.

Step 2: Ask the first Question - Is It True?

This has to be a yes or no answer. Half answers, and maybe’s are just inviting in old positions and going down roads you have already travelled. Dont justify yourself, don’t over think it. Just sit calmly with your subject statement, and then ask yourself ‘Is it true?’ - be truly honest with yourself, only you can hear the answer let it rise the surface of your mind and realise ‘Is it true?’ - yes or no. Now hold that answer, and move to the next Step.

Step 3: Ask the Second Question - Can I Absolutely Know This is True?

What ever your answer is to the first question in Step 2, ask yourself… Can I be absolutely sure this is true? Your answer maybe the same as Step 2, it maybe different. No half answers, just yes or no, no judgements, no second guessing, being true to yourself in this moment. Can I Absolutely Know This is True? When you have your answer - yes or no, move to Step 4.

Step 4: Ask the Third Question - What Happens To You When You Think / Believe The Thought?

Take a moment now to think about what happens to you when you believe this thought. When this thought is your reality. How does it colour things? What happens inside of you? How do you react? How do you think, feel, respond to yourself? What impact do others have on you when you think and believe this thought? What do you do around them? Really examine and reality that happens when this thought is part of your life. Does it make you lonely, tense, angry, sad, do you feel sick? When you have examined this from all angles, gently more to Step 5.

Step 5: Ask the Fourth (and final) Question - Who Would You Be / What Would It Be Like, Without the Thought?

If this thought was gone from your life, this statement wasn’t true and didn’t exist… if someone snapped their fingers, and it vanished. What would that be like? How would you be different, inside and outside? What would other people notice about you? What impact do you have on others and them on you? What are you able to do that you couldn’t do before? Sit with this new position for a while. Really experience what life is like without this, get to details, spend a moment living it, breathing it, seeing it. Who are you without this thought? When your ready, move onto the final step.

Step 6: Explore - Find three things

Find three things that you could do differently, or you could try that are different to how you were thinking, feeling and living at the start of this process. If you can’t find three things you could do, perhaps try to find three positive alternatives to the original thought or a mixture of these options. If you identify something you can try and act on, then how will you set about doing this, is it achievable and if so, when will you look to try and achieve it by? If you're thinking of alternatives to the original statement, how are these true for you, what realisations do they bring, and how you can hold this in mind as you move forwards?

The ‘6 Step Challenge’, is a slight adaptation of ‘The Work’ by Byron Katy, for more detailed information on ‘The Work’ please click here.

(ClearView Counselling & Psychotherapy is a trading name of ANJ Consultancy Ltd)