The ‘Rewind Therapy’ (RT) or ‘Rewind Technique’, was founded and developed by Dr David Muss in the early 90’s. Since this time it has become internationally recognised as indispensable in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Rewind Technique or ‘The Rewind’ is different from other current trauma approach therapies because no details are disclosed to the therapist hence the treatment is known as "closure without disclosure". Current research indicates successful treatment and positive outcomes for clients in 85% of cases treated in as little as three sessions!
Rewind Therapy (RT) the Benefits
The main benefit in RT is that it is a non disclosure therapy. This means that the therapist doesn’t hear the details of the traumatic event that the client is seeking treatment to address. Only the most minimal information is spoken about in session, with the overall biggest benefit being a minimal risk to the client of being re-traumatised! Along side this other benefits to this approach also include;
No fear of disclosing sensitive information e.g. In the case of servicemen, for example, about deployment
For survivors of rape and sexual abuse the benefits of not having to disclose intimate or any details of the event to a stranger is self-evident
No lengthy therapy program commitment or to finance
Permanently stop ‘involuntary recall’ (including nightmares, anxiety, flashbacks, avoidance, irritability, concentration challenges, pre-occupation, intrusive thoughts and much more!)
What trauma’s can this approach be used for?
In short this approach can be used for any trauma, however there are two different categories which may slight change the number of sessions and overall format of the work. These are;
Single Event Traumas - This is where there is one main one off event, such as Road Traffic Accidents, Muggings, Burglaries, Death, Fire or Loss. Treatment using RT in these instances is often implemented using two to three sessions followed by a follow up three months after the final treatment session
Multiple Event / Complex Traumas - includes but not limited to combat/combat stress, sexual abuse and domestic violence, any trauma where there is more than one kind of event. When applying RT in such presentations each traumatic event can be dealt with separately, over separate sessions but, depending on the way the involuntary recall (symptoms) are represented, can also be dealt with in one session
who is the technique useful for?
Direct victims of a trauma - where the trauma has happened to you as the first person
Witness of another persons trauma - where you have seen a traumatic event occur to another person
Emergency responders - Police, Ambulance, Fire anyone who has attended a scene of a traumatic incident
Perpetrators / Instigators - where a person is responsible for (by accident or design) and involved in a traumatic event
Next steps…
Call now on 07747197180 if:
you or someone you are close too has suffered with a traumatic event
you have already had therapy for a traumatic event and don’t feel this has been useful
you have had therapy for a traumatic event and don’t consider it to have been successful
If you would like more information on the Rewind Technique, visit the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy by clicking here
““Currently, The Rewind Technique is the only treatment – available and demonstrated – that has achieved an 85% success rate after a single group session, held by Dr Muss in Rwanda, when he treated 21 post genocide survivors in a necessarily unrepeatable single session using The Rewind.””
Areas of work & specialisation
Stress & Anxiety
Stress & Depression & Mood related concerns
Adolescent & Young People (16+y.o.a.)
Counselling for Men & Male Mental Health
Self Harm
Poor or Negative Coping
Personality Disorder (Emotionally Unstable & Borderline Types)
Long Term & Short Term work
(ClearView Counselling & Psychotherapy is a trading name of ANJ Consultancy Ltd)